Trevor at the airport with President and Sister Sederholm
Loading the plane in Kobenhaven, Danmark
Arriving in Salt Lake City, Utah Airport- HOME
After mom's hug, the twins offer the hug they waited two years to give.
Peterson Family together again
Trevor left Kobenhaven, Danmark at 8:05am (8.5 hours ahead of us) on January 8th and arrived to the Salt Lake City, Utah Airport at 9:06pm. It was wonderful to finally have him in our arms again. We arrived home in Bloomington, Idaho at 2:00am January 9th. In bed around 2:40, to get up at 6:00 to meet with the Stake President for releasing at 7:00am. After, Mom and the boys went to school. Mark and Trevor had some down time at home. Trevor reported his mission on Sunday, January 13, to the high counsel at 7:00am and to the ward at sacrament later that morning. He did a wonderful talk expressing the importance prayer played on his mission and how we need to have a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father through pray in our daily lives. He served the Lord with honor, but through serving, he also served his eternal family with countless blessings. It was hard for him to remove his missionary tag, a piece of his heart will forever be with the people of Danmark.